

I had been waiting for this exhibition since the Romance of the fragment project. During that project I was understanding areas behind figures and still uncovering why and how to paint quickly.
It was through ''crits'' and talking to my tutor that explained why;
- I take long to paint and get worn out very early
- My foreground is very distant from my background
- I refer to areas behind a figure as 'background'

Most of my subject matter are very personal so while painting I get very drained because it is usually self reflective. Since most of my paintings are very figurative I tend to focus on the figure, and by the time I have spent several hours perfecting it I am absolutely drained and struggle to complete the area behind.

So my tutor set me a task to start painting the area behind the figures first, because they are as important as the figures. They are all equally areas of paint.

This is exactly what I see in Lynette's paintings. ''Painting  for me is the subject. The figures exist only through paint, through colour, line , tone and mark marking. They are very present but they are somewhere else all together.'' The not so little brush stroke which create not so little suggestions and motions gave me goosebumps when I saw her paintings.

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